Friday, 18 February 2011

White Biotechnology Industrial Application

White or more commonly known as industrial biotechnology is used to produce all types of products used in daily life - ranging from bread and cheese microbial strains of biodiesel and bio-catalysts. It also involves fermentation and enzymatic processes that are always the best financial and ecological alternatives to chemical-physical and mechanical applications because of their economic environment and easier to use.

White biotechnology is an excellent example of interdisciplinary cooperation. The pool is generated by the technology areas as diverse as chemistry, molecular biology, genetics, microbiology, chemical engineering, agricultural sciences, computer science, computer engineering and process engineering. A new look, especially in the field of genomics and systems biology, are currently giving a big boost to white biotechnology are revolutionizing the entire application and industrial processes and the resulting savings.

The use of bio technology in industrial demand has also led to the introduction of environmentally friendly methods and processes in various areas such as food processing, textiles, mining, cosmetics and paper industries. Currently, only 5% of chemicals are produced using biotechnological methods. McKinsey report titled "The absorption of white biotechnology in the chemical industry") declared an increase of 10 to 20 per cent in 2010 is expected - with a trend for future growth. This should give a good sound byte of green peace volunteers.

There are over 3,000 different enzymes known to only 150-170 are used commercially. There is an enormous research potential waiting to be exploited. Other challenges include the optimization methods and enzymes involved. Washing products are probably the best known example of using biotech enzymes. Through biotechnology has a significant effect on the cost: wash without enzymes requires almost two times more energy than when the enzymes are used. Enzymes also the workflow more competitive and environmentally friendly. A good example is its effect on the textile industry: the use of enzymes in cleaning processes for the purification of tissues has led to a reduction in the consumption of energy and water up to 50 percent.

White biotechnology is also used in water purification that involves bacteria and demand for renewable raw materials. Products such as biofuels such as biodiesel, bioplastics, etc. have a promising future and opened research opportunities ideal for the mutual benefit of research institutions and industrial houses.

Further research in the field of white biotechnology acts as a three-pronged strategy. It gives an impetus to research initiatives, led to industrial production and a greater improvement in business and financial gain, while allowing the use of technologies that are more environmentally friendly and less polluting. Needless to say that the funds continue to flow steadily in that area that are huge mutual benefits and for all those involved in the process.