Friday, 1 April 2011

Initiatives to promote Biotechnology in India

Without losing sight of the huge opportunities offered by the various aspects of biotechnology for the development of the nation, addressing issues of food security, agricultural production and efficiency, industrial pollution and the application and benefits of drugs The Indian government has taken a number of initiatives to promote growth of the biotechnology industry in India.

An Empowered Group of Ministers (EGOME), taking into account the provisions for the creation of special economic zones (SEZ) and the SEZ Act and rules relaxed the rules in terms of area and the area requirement Built for the biotechnology industry for the sum of 10 hectares and 40,000 square feet. This will encourage entrepreneurship, innovation and greater participation of small investors in biotechnology, health and agriculture in particular.

The Government has taken specific measures to promote the biotechnology industry and help increase sales of the biotechnology sector. Initiatives have been taken to ensure an environment conducive to industrial growth, such as exemption from the biotechnology sector a compulsory license, allowing 100 percent FDI in the sector, reducing the area of ​​SEZ at parity with the IT industry by providing tax incentives for R & D recognized industries in terms of exemption from customs duties on capital goods, the reduction of import duties of 150 percent against a weighted deduction of R & D Expenditure

Department of Biotechnology, also supports R & D and technology development, both in public and private sector to develop products and processes that provide affordable solutions from biotechnology to food insecurity and health problems and more questions.

R & D in agricultural biotechnology is supported to develop improved varieties of crops resistant to abiotic and biotic stresses, especially drought. Salt-resistant GM rice has been developed and is currently in field test. Bio fortification of staple foods as important as rice, wheat and maize improvement of macro-nutrients such as iron and zinc has been launched. The country has also participated in the International Rice Genome with ten other countries. complete sequence of the rice genome was completed. It is expected that decoded the rice genome will help in the discovery of genes and DNA for the development of improved varieties.

In health, research continues to develop low-cost and cost effective solutions to public health. A number of vaccines and diagnostics have been developed which are at different stages of the process. Diagnostics for HIV, Japanese encephalitis have been transferred to industry. Rota virus vaccine is in advanced stage of experimentation with the industry. The programs have been funded for the development of drug targets identified for the treatment of diseases or NCDs.