Friday, 1 April 2011

National Biotechnology Policy- Salient features

The need for an integrated biotech policy with sufficient attention to different subsets of the sector such as health, agriculture, environment, industry and other application areas is a prerequisite for calcium in the thumb to the progress of Indian biotechnology sector. National Science and Technology Policy of the Government and the Vision Statement on Biotechnology issued by the Department of Biotechnology (DBT) to provide a framework and give strategic direction for different sectors to accelerate the pace of development of biotechnologies India. The policy has given meaning to the efforts of public and private sectors, the key being a quadrilateral agreement between universities, industry and other laboratories working in the field, and the State.

Main features of the policy:

• The need to increase the number of doctoral programs in life sciences and biotechnology, as a strong pool of academic leaders is essential to sustained innovation. A national working group agreed to establish programs of graduate and post-graduate model, to attract talent to the life sciences and working conditions for scientists to conduct industry-oriented research

• The need for more mature technologies such as diagnostics and vaccines. While the Indian industry is in strong product development and marketing business benefits of biotechnology in India does not have the necessary infrastructure for R & D molecular modeling, protein engineering, drug design and immunological studies. The DBT will act to facilitate a unique mechanism for wind farm window biotech plants and encourage private sector participation in infrastructure development

• India strategy should aim to increase the value of R & D and production of intellectual property rights. India needs to provide active support through incubator funds and various incentives, and increased focus on innovation, the ability to create a pipeline of products continuously. clear government policies to promote innovation and market knowledge will drive the growth of the biotechnology sector

• The need for government support, tax incentives and tax benefits are essential for this sector, biotechnology is the most research-intensive companies in the sector and to invest 20-30 percent of their operating costs in R & D or technology outsourcing. In addition, financial support for the development of early-stage products and small and medium-sized companies is the key to sustaining innovation

• Creating a Small Business Innovation Research Initiative (SBIR) DBT through the system to support small and medium-sized enterprises through loans and grants. The support system for pre-proof of concept, innovative and original research on mentoring

• Establishment of biotechnology parks to provide a mechanism for the licensing of new technologies for biotechnology companies to come to start new businesses and realize the value of early stage technology with a minimum of financial data. Parks to facilitate technology transfer by serving as a stimulus for entrepreneurship through partnership among innovators from academia, R & D institutions and industry.

• Need a mechanism for scientific, rigorous, transparent, consistent and effective assessment of biosecurity, a single national authority on biotechnology to be established and governed by an independent administrative structure.